If you pluck, wax, shave or put depilatory creams on your face at least once a week, you're not alone. In fact, you have a great deal of company. It's estimated that approximately 20 million women in the United States remove unwanted facial hair each week. Facial hair in women is quite normal and usually increases with age. In some cases, facial hair is caused by a hormonal imbalance or underlying medical issue.
27 July 2015
If you're not satisfied with the size of your breasts -- whether they're smaller, larger, or more misshapen than you'd like -- you may be considering augmentation surgery or a breast reduction. However, if you plan to have children, you may be worried about how breast surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed. Is there anything you can do to improve your odds of being able to successfully breastfeed your child after surgery?
22 June 2015
If you are obese, are having trouble losing weight on your own and want to do something about it so that you can live a healthier and happier lifestyle, you might be thinking about having duodenal switch surgery done. However, you should make sure that you properly prepare yourself for the procedure. Luckily, following these tips can help you prepare for the surgery to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible.
5 June 2015
If you are suffering from acne, want to get Botox, or simply want to improve the health of your skin, a medical spa is highly recommended. Medical spas, commonly referred to as med spas, combine skin care and technology. They go above and beyond what traditional day spas offer so that you have the healthiest skin of your life. Here are four of the top reasons why you should go to a medical spa.
4 May 2015
In the Western world, hair on your legs, arms, lips, armpits and even your bikini area is just not socially acceptable. Because all of the models and advertisements promote hair-free, smooth and sexy bodies, women (and some men) associate no hair with sex appeal and beauty. If you struggle with removing hair from any part of your anatomy, there are choices available to you that can help you feel less stressed and more carefree.
17 April 2015
When you suffer from acne, you feel like everyone you meet is judging you by the condition of your skin. You feel self-conscious and unsure of yourself, and may even avoid social activities because of an acne breakout. While you may think that none of the available acne treatments will help you get over your acne struggles, there are new innovations being made in acne treatment that may be able to help.
10 April 2015
Getting plastic surgery is a great option for many people. There are some individuals who have waited for years to correct a problem on their body or face that has been bothering them. Whether you are getting facial plastic surgery for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, there are some things that you need to do to prepare. Here are a couple ways to prepare yourself financially, emotionally, and physically. Financially In most cases, your plastic surgery will be elective.
7 April 2015
When you aren't happy with your breasts, it can have a negative effect on your self-esteem. Whether you want perkier breasts due to age and gravity, breastfeeding, or your breasts are heavy and you want them lifted, there are things you can do to give them a perkier appearance. Learn 3 ways you can achieve perkier, more youthful breasts that you'll love. Exercises There are exercises you can do that help firm the muscles that lie under your breast tissue, which can give them a firmer, perkier appearance.
6 April 2015