2 Misconceptions You May Have About Getting Botox Injections For Your Facial Wrinkles


As you age, the wrinkles on your face can become deeper, causing you to seek out options to minimize them and help restore some of your face's youthful appearance. While researching your options, you may have come across the possibility of having Botox injections.

However, you may have a certain view of these injections that are making you hesitant to try them. Below is the truth behind a couple of the misconceptions you may have about getting Botox injections to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face.

1. Botox Can Interact with Your Body's Chemistry and Make Your Face Freeze in One Position

One possible misconception you may have is that there is a possibility that Botox will cause freezing of your face. You may be afraid that the medicine will adversely interact with your body's chemistry, causing it to freeze up and leave your face in one position.

However, Botox does not have any adverse reactions when combined with your natural body chemistry. The injections are made superficially under the skin to help fill and plump out the wrinkles and will not cause the muscles to freeze in one place. You will still be able to move your face freely and express yourself as you always have.

2. Injections Can Never Be Stopped Because Your Wrinkles Will Come Back Worse than Before Treatments

Another misconception that you may believe is that you must never stop the injections once you start. You may have read about people discovering that their wrinkles come back worse than they were before the treatments once the injections cease.

The truth behind this misconception is that some wrinkles may return, especially those caused by movements of your face around the mouth and eye areas. However, your skin will not suddenly droop and the wrinkles will not become deeper just because you decide to stop the treatments.

When you get Botox treatments to help reduce the appearance of the wrinkles on your face, you do not have to worry about an interaction between them and your body's chemistry that can lead to frozen features. And, while stopping the injections can lead to a gradual return of wrinkles caused by movement, they will not become worse just because you no longer get them. For the truth behind other misconceptions you may have or to schedule a consultation to see if they are right for you, contact a local professional.

For more information about Botox injections, reach out to a local business.


19 January 2023

how a cosmetic procedure changed my life

All of my life, I was picked on for having a larger nose that most other people. I had dealt with picking and torment throughout high school and college, but once I graduated from college, I decided to make a few changes to the way that I look. Some people are not so open to cosmetic procedures and gave me a hard time about my choice, but after the procedure was complete and my nose was healed, they could see why I did what I did. You can follow my story on my website. Here, you will learn what I went through before, during and after my procedure.