If you decide to prioritize skincare to get more even, youthful, and glowing skin, you should consider adding chemical peels to your regimen. Chemical peels are a cosmetic treatment during which your doctor will apply a chemical exfoliant solution to your skin. This dissolves and removes layers of old skin, leaving new, fresh skin underneath. Here are three of the most important things to know about chemical peels:
Opt For Professional Chemical Peels
While you can buy chemical peels to use at home, it's usually more effective to go to a professional medspa to have your chemical peels done. Professional chemical peels tend to be stronger and more effective at fading sun spots and hyperpigmentation as well as fine lines.
In addition, when you give yourself chemical peels at home you do not have the expertise of a medspa nurse or doctor. There is a much greater risk of serious side effects, such as burns or inflammation, if you attempt a chemical peel at home. Instead, leave it to a professional who knows how to get great results while also protecting your skin.
Decide on the Depth of Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are offered at different depths, with superficial peels only removing the topmost layers of skin and deeper peels removing several layers of skin at once. Superficial or light peels will help your skin look more even and radiant, but in order to remove serious sun damage, you will likely need to receive a series of chemical peels.
On the other side, a deeper peel will give you dramatic results quickly and without the need for subsequent chemical peels. Deeper peels also involve more downtime with a longer healing process.
Plan on Chemical Peel Aftercare
After your chemical peel, your skin will be a bit more delicate for a few days or weeks, depending on the strength of the peel used. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the specific peel you had. In general, it will be important to avoid harsh skincare products like acids or scrubs. In addition, your skin will be more prone to sun damage for at least a few days after your chemical peel. Aim to be as gentle as possible and also use sunblock.
If the benefits of a chemical peel sound appealing to you, start by scheduling a consultation appointment to evaluate your skin and discuss your best skincare treatment options. Contact a professional for more information about chemical peels.
Share31 October 2022
All of my life, I was picked on for having a larger nose that most other people. I had dealt with picking and torment throughout high school and college, but once I graduated from college, I decided to make a few changes to the way that I look. Some people are not so open to cosmetic procedures and gave me a hard time about my choice, but after the procedure was complete and my nose was healed, they could see why I did what I did. You can follow my story on my website. Here, you will learn what I went through before, during and after my procedure.