Want Rhinoplasty? 3 Things To Know About This Procedure


Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that can significantly impact your nose's appearance and function. This procedure is also known as a "nose job" and is a permanent way to change your nose's size, shape, and overall appearance. A rhinoplasty also changes the internal structure of your nose, something that can improve breathing for some people. If you are thinking about rhinoplasty surgery, here are three things you should know before committing to one.

When You'll See The Final Results

The first thing you should know about rhinoplasty is that while you will notice a significant difference right after the procedure, it can take up to one year before the swelling is completely gone. Immediately after the procedure, the internal dressings may remain in place for up to a week, and you'll have a splint in place for a week as well. You can also have swelling around the eyes two to three weeks after the procedure. While it may take a year for the swelling in the nose to go away completely, you'll typically have a good idea of what the final results look like within a month. 

What It Will Cost

Another thing to know before scheduling rhinoplasty is what it will cost. A few factors impact the price of rhinoplasty, including where you go for the procedure, the complexity of the rhinoplasty, and your cosmetic surgeon's fees. On average, a rhinoplasty surgery will cost $5,483. However, this is just the cost of the procedure itself and not anesthesia, aftercare, and facility fees. If you get rhinoplasty for solely cosmetic reasons, your health insurance will not cover the costs. However, if your rhinoplasty is happening to improve your breathing, your insurance may cover some costs.

You Need To Have Realistic Expectations

Rhinoplasty can significantly impact your appearance, but it's imperative to have realistic expectations about this procedure. The structure of your nose can only be altered to a certain extent. Also, the proportions of your nose are essential. While you may have a specific result in mind, it may not suit your face as well as you think it will. Keep your expectations in check and carefully consider your surgeon's recommendations before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. 

If you want to undergo rhinoplasty, keep a few things in mind before opting for this procedure. First, it may take some time before the swelling goes down and you see the final results of this procedure. Second, the cost of rhinoplasty varies, but it can get pricey. Finally, you should keep your expectations realistic since there is a limit to what even the most talented cosmetic surgeons can do. Contact a doctor like Susan L. Chobanian, M.D. to learn more.


4 January 2022

how a cosmetic procedure changed my life

All of my life, I was picked on for having a larger nose that most other people. I had dealt with picking and torment throughout high school and college, but once I graduated from college, I decided to make a few changes to the way that I look. Some people are not so open to cosmetic procedures and gave me a hard time about my choice, but after the procedure was complete and my nose was healed, they could see why I did what I did. You can follow my story on my website. Here, you will learn what I went through before, during and after my procedure.