3 Things To Know About Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty


For many people, their nose is the feature they are most self-conscious about. After all, a large or crooked nose can throw off the symmetry of your entire face and make you feel self-conscious. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, can give you the more refined nose of your dreams, but not everyone wants to have a major cosmetic procedure. Recently, plastic surgeons have begun to offer non-surgical nose jobs as a less invasive and more affordable alternative.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Uses Filler

Instead of surgery, a non-surgical rhinoplasty simply involves your doctor adding a dermal filler to your nose in a strategic way. The filler used is similar to filler used to plump up the lips or cheeks. It creates a smoother and more contoured and symmetrical appearance. This can leave your face looking more balanced. 

Because it's just a simple injection of filler, your appointment will only take a few minutes and won't involve any real downtime or side effects. These procedures are sometimes nicknamed a "lunchtime nose job" for this reason.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Is Ideal in Specific Circumstances

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an ideal solution in specific situations. If you are happy with the size of your nose but would like it to be more even or contoured, the filler used in non-surgical rhinoplasty can provide that improvement for you. Dermal filler can also be used to disguise a bump in the bridge of your nose without surgery. If you are self-conscious about the shape or symmetry of your nose, a non-surgical nose job may be the answer.

Surgical Rhinoplasty May Be The Best Option

While non-surgical rhinoplasty is a wonderful advancement in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, it's not the right option for every person who is unhappy with their nose. If your nose is too wide or bulbous or is dramatically misshapen, having filler injected is unlikely to resolve the issue. In these cases, a traditional surgical rhinoplasty may be your best bet in getting the beautiful nose you've been daydreaming about.

If you aren't sure whether a surgical or non-surgical nose job is the best option for you, it's best to start with a consultation at a plastic surgery center offering both procedures. They will evaluate your unique facial structure and even provide you with photos of what you would look like with each option. This way you can make the best possible choice for yourself and your unique features.


15 December 2020

how a cosmetic procedure changed my life

All of my life, I was picked on for having a larger nose that most other people. I had dealt with picking and torment throughout high school and college, but once I graduated from college, I decided to make a few changes to the way that I look. Some people are not so open to cosmetic procedures and gave me a hard time about my choice, but after the procedure was complete and my nose was healed, they could see why I did what I did. You can follow my story on my website. Here, you will learn what I went through before, during and after my procedure.