Stock These Comfort Items In Your Home Before Your Facelift Operation


If you are mentally preparing yourself for your upcoming facelift operation, then it is important that you stock up on some items that you should have in your home during your recovery period. While it is impossible for you to have a pain-free recovery, having comfort items at home will greatly improve your healing experience and make the time you are stuck at home pass easier.

Stock these comfort items so that you have them in your home after your facelift operation to ensure the best recovery period possible:

Bags of Frozen Vegetables and Clean Soft Towels to Wrap Them In

After your facelift procedure, your face will experience some soreness and swelling. To reduce the swelling, your plastic surgeon will advise you to place ice packs on your face regularly throughout the day. The best ice packs for your face are a couple of bags of frozen vegetables. The vegetable's small size allows them to mold to the contours of your face. Have a stack of clean soft towels available to wrap the vegetables in while they are against your delicate skin. Having multiple bags ensures that you will always have the soothing coolness available when you need it.

Soft Comfort Foods

The last thing you will feel like doing after your facelift surgery is chewing on hard or sticky foods that will hurt your cheeks. Instead, pack your refrigerator and freezer with soft treats that you can enjoy while you are home recovering from your facelift. Some good foods to have on hand include:

  • yogurt
  • ice cream
  • sorbet
  • instant mashed potatoes
  • bananas

In addition to foods being soft, cold foods like ice cream and sorbets help cool your sore tissues from the inside of your mouth.

A Wedge Pillow

Finally, in the days after your facelift surgery, it is advised that you sleep on your back with your face elevated. The easiest and most comfortable way to sleep in an elevated position is by using a wedge pillow for support. You can purchase an inexpensive wedge pillow anywhere you purchase bed pillows and it will be a welcome addition to your bed while you are healing from your procedure. Sleeping at an inclined angle will help to keep your face from swelling and preventing swelling will greatly lessen the amount of discomfort that you feel post-procedure.

For additional suggestions for a better recovery period after your plastic surgery procedure, speak with your plastic surgeon or a member of their office staff. For more information, consider contacting a professional like those at Waccamaw Dermatology & Plastic Surgery LLC.


4 April 2016

how a cosmetic procedure changed my life

All of my life, I was picked on for having a larger nose that most other people. I had dealt with picking and torment throughout high school and college, but once I graduated from college, I decided to make a few changes to the way that I look. Some people are not so open to cosmetic procedures and gave me a hard time about my choice, but after the procedure was complete and my nose was healed, they could see why I did what I did. You can follow my story on my website. Here, you will learn what I went through before, during and after my procedure.